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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Contraction blocking during wound healing of three injured organs leads to absence of scar and induction of regeneration
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2023 Issue

Contraction blocking during wound healing of three injured organs leads to absence of scar and induction of regeneration

Published on Oct 10, 2023




We report the central role of mechanical contraction in healing of wounds in animal models, as well as in humans. Our evidence has been collected from studies of excised skin wounds as well as with the transected peripheral neve and the excised conjunctiva. We have observed that, following blocking of contraction, wounds in our animal models close by regeneration of the injured tissues. We review the mechanism of contraction blocking and tissue regeneration when wounds are grafted with a highly porous Type I collagen scaffold, named dermis regeneration template (DRT) which is required for inducing regeneration.

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Ioannis Yannas

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