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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Different Treatments in Patients with Neuroborreliosis and Coinfections
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2023 Issue

Different Treatments in Patients with Neuroborreliosis and Coinfections

Published on Oct 04, 2023




In case of an acute infection of borreliosis, the best therapy is azithromycin 500 mg combined with cotrimoxazole 960 mg, 2x1 per day mostly over 10 days. For chronic and long-lasting infections rifampicin 450mg can be added. There is also a coinfection with babesia atovaquone combined with tinidazole that should be subsequently followed. In a long-lasting stadium of a neuroborreliosis with typical symptoms mostly combined with other bacterial and viral coinfections hydroxychloroquine and/or disulfiram are the best therapy. Whereas disulfiram inhibits P 450-cytochrome, fluconazole induces this elimination system so a combination with artemether is useful. Disulfiram penetrates all tissues, but also cytoplasm, nucleus, and mitochondria, and passes the blood-brain barrier. Cystic borrelia has a low and downregulated metabolism for a long period, you need a long time (about 18-21 months) to block the mechanism for energy supply (ATP) and replication. Homeopathic dispensing and plant extractions as well gamma-globulins are surely effective during chronic or relapse stadium.

Author info

F.w. Schardt

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