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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > An Insight into Emergent Ways of Stemming the Tide of Glaucoma Scourge
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2023 Issue

An Insight into Emergent Ways of Stemming the Tide of Glaucoma Scourge

Published on Oct 25, 2023




Glaucoma, the silent thief of sight remains a beglaring eye condition leading to optic nerve damage due to elevated pressure within the eye. It is one of the major irreversible blinding eye conditions in the world, perhaps devastating as it is mostly without symptoms till considerable vision is lost. This comprehensive article acclaim the silentious nature of this ailment; highlights the distinctive features of glaucoma among other eye disorders; provides practical measures to optimize one’s eye health; shares experiences and feedbacks from people with glaucoma; and identifies promising prospects of glaucoma diagnosis and management. The information therein aims to create awareness about the course and scourge of glaucoma to readers, as well as call the attention of the eye health practitioners to the perceived challenges encountered by patients with glaucoma with the aim of improving consumer’s outcome and quality of life.

Author info

Timothy Oladosu, Aderonke Awoseemo

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