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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > The Expressive Arts in Intimacy Groups with Parents: Processes and Outcomes
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Nov 2023 Issue

The Expressive Arts in Intimacy Groups with Parents: Processes and Outcomes

Published on Nov 29, 2023




In light of the growing needs of people for mental health services and the limited resources available, the literature calls for moving from individual therapy to group therapy. Parents of challenging children may be considered one such vulnerable population for whom the lack of professional assistance not only affects parents’ mental health and functioning but also that of their children. Group psychotherapy is an efficient and effective solution for parents: Research has concluded that group therapy is equally or more effective compared to individual therapy. Yet, group therapy is not frequently used with parents, mainly because psychologists are not trained to conduct such groups. Parent groups require therapists who understand parent-child relationship and who are trained in special methods and techniques that help parents engage in the group process. The aim of this paper is two–fold:  1. Present a group therapy modality to increase intimacy in parent-child relationships that relies on the creative arts; 2. Provide outcome and process research based on four large studies, to support the validity of the intervention.

Author info

Zipora Shechtman

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