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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Serum levels of Nitric Oxide metabolites in relation to Body Mass Index and Arterial stiffness in young individuals
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2023 Issue

Serum levels of Nitric Oxide metabolites in relation to Body Mass Index and Arterial stiffness in young individuals

Published on Dec 26, 2023




Introduction: Obesity is a multi-factorial disorder defined as abnormally high levels of body fat accumulation. It is a major emerging pandemic of this century which can be attributed to alterations in eating habits, lifestyle choices and rise in sedentary behaviour. The activation of pro-inflammatory signalling pathways linked to obesity can result in vascular endothelial dysfunction and changed levels of Nitric oxide (NO). Hyperlipidaemia may exacerbate arterial stiffness which is a precursor to atherosclerosis. In this study, we tried to evaluate the changes in levels of nitric oxide in obese individuals and its association with arterial stiffness.

Objectives: To identify the association of serum levels of Nitric oxide metabolites with Body Mass Index (BMI) in apparently healthy subjects.

  1. To evaluate any correlation between serum nitric oxide metabolites, BMI and arterial stiffness in obese individuals.

Result: The results showed a significant increase in systolic blood pressure (p<0.001) and no change in diastolic blood pressure and significant increase in pulse pressure(p<0.001) with increase in visceral adiposity (Waist Circumference) more than BMI. Results of Pearson correlation indicated that there is a significant small negative relationship between BMI and Serum NO levels, (r =- 0.534, p <.001). There was significant increase in Brachial ankle Pulse Wave Velocity (Ba PWV) (p=0.001) and Carotid Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity (CF PWV) (p=0.01) in obese subjects when compared to controls.

Conclusion: Our study results showed that abdominal obesity more than overall obesity is more strongly associated with decreased serum NO levels and increased arterial stiffness. In obese individuals, increased arterial stiffness as reflected by increased pulse wave velocity may contribute to predicting cardiovascular disease in both genders in addition to development of hypertension.

Author info

Vidya Ganji, Madhuri Taranikanti, Madhulatha Karre, Kalpana M, Nitin A John, Madhusudhan U, Archana Gaur

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