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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > The transformative potential of virtual, augmented and mixed reality in colorectal surgery: opportunities and challenges.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2023 Issue

The transformative potential of virtual, augmented and mixed reality in colorectal surgery: opportunities and challenges.

Published on Dec 26, 2023




In the past three decades, colorectal surgery has embraced a series of technological advancements focusing on precision preoperative planning, the adoption of minimally invasive laparoscopic, robotic, and endoscopic surgical techniques, and the formulation of personalized, patient-centric care. The main evidence-based drivers for such utilities are, reduction in postoperative pain and operative trauma, improvements in disease specific outcomes, the enhancement of patients’ healthcare journey, and the safeguarding of intermediate and long-term quality of life measures1,2.


Incorporation of these developments into mainstream clinical practice has presented several challenges. These include, the concerns related to patient safety, standardization of operative approach, as well as ensuring cost efficiencies and cost containment relating to surgical-care3,4. Furthermore, there are ethical, technical, and financial constraints associated with minimally invasive surgical (MIS) training, which has impacted a significant section of the existing workforce as well as new generations of surgeons5-8.

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Ahmed Amoudi

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