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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > "Revolutionizing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Management: A Case Report on Muscle Regeneration and Sustained Relaxation through Placental Injection Therapy at Rodem Hospital"
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2023 Issue

"Revolutionizing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Management: A Case Report on Muscle Regeneration and Sustained Relaxation through Placental Injection Therapy at Rodem Hospital"

Published on Dec 26, 2023




This case report from the Rodem Hospital introduces a pioneering intervention for muscle rigidity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), featuring a unique placental extract injection and glucose injection therapy combined with lidocaine. This novel approach has demonstrated significant muscle regeneration and sustained relaxation in 47 ALS patients. Unlike traditional treatments, this protocol offers a more sustainable and regenerative outcome. The treatment involved injections of a mixture containing glucose, lidocaine, and placental extract, targeting severely rigid muscles. Remarkably, 42 of the 47 patients showed considerable improvements in knee flexion and a dramatic reduction in pain. The other two also experienced notable progress. This method stands out for its cost efficiency, impact on muscle suppleness, and reduced pain, suggesting a potential paradigm shift in ALS management. This case series highlights the importance of continued innovation and personalized treatment strategies in ALS care, aiming to improve patient quality of life and functional abilities.

This case report from the Rodem Hospital introduces a pioneering intervention for muscle rigidity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), featuring a unique placental extract injection and glucose injection therapy combined with lidocaine. This novel approach has demonstrated significant muscle regeneration and sustained relaxation in 47 ALS patients. Unlike traditional treatments, this protocol offers a more sustainable and regenerative outcome. The treatment involved injections of a mixture containing glucose, lidocaine, and placental extract, targeting severely rigid muscles. Remarkably, 42 of the 47 patients showed considerable improvements in knee flexion and a dramatic reduction in pain. The other two also experienced notable progress. This method stands out for its cost efficiency, impact on muscle suppleness, and reduced pain, suggesting a potential paradigm shift in ALS management. This case series highlights the importance of continued innovation and personalized treatment strategies in ALS care, aiming to improve patient quality of life and functional abilities.

Author info

Jae-kook Yoo, Soon-hee Kwon, Jong-eun Jeon, Sul-hee Yoon, Jung-eun Lee, Sang-yoon Lee

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