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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Platelet-rich Plasma Injection for the Treatment of Partial Achilles Tendon Rupture: A Case Report
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jan 2024 Issue

Platelet-rich Plasma Injection for the Treatment of Partial Achilles Tendon Rupture: A Case Report

Published on Jan 30, 2024




Introduction: Achilles tendon rupture is one of the most common adult tendon injuries and continues to increase in incidence. This case report outlines a comprehensive approach for stand-alone leukocyte-poor platelet-rich plasma treatment of a partial subacute Achilles tendon rupture in a professional athlete who had received prior autologous conditioned serum injections with an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist.

Patient History: A 32-year-old male professional ice hockey player presented with persistent left ankle pain approximately seven months after suffering a partial acute Achilles tendon tear. Imaging confirmed a subacute partial Achilles tendon rupture.

Injection: Following local anesthesia, a 25-gauge 1.5-inch needle was advanced to the target structure under ultrasound guidance and 3 mL of autologous platelet-rich plasma was divided amongst several areas of the patient's Achilles tendon, while simultaneously tenotomizing the tendon. No complications were observed.

Imaging: Follow-up magnetic resonance imaging approximately 9 months after platelet-rich plasma injection revealed complete resolution of the Achilles tendon rupture.

Conclusion: Ultrasound-guided leukocyte-poor platelet-rich plasma injection could be considered an effective treatment option for acute Achilles tendon rupture during the subacute stages of tendon healing, leading to complete radiographic resolution of the tear and enabling a return to high-level athletics.

Author info

Joshua Rothenberg, David Civitarese, Michael Downing, Michael Bazzi, Glenn Flanagan

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