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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Thermal Product Sensor: A potentially new diagnostic tool in the detection of skin malignancy
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Feb 2024 Issue

Thermal Product Sensor: A potentially new diagnostic tool in the detection of skin malignancy

Published on Feb 09, 2024




Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Skin cancer is currently a global public health problem that is escalating. In the UK, the incidence of malignant melanoma has increased from 837 per year to 6963 per year in males and 1609 per year to 6952 per year in females between 1981 and 2018. Early diagnosis and treatment, as with any other disease will have a positive outcome in terms of survival and costs of management. Advances in technology have allowed the development of tools that provide rapid and sensitive diagnosis of many diseases. This paper describes the development and use of a thermal based technique which directly measures the thermal properties of skin. The Thermal Product Sensor (TPS), a new biosensor, has been demonstrated in the diagnosis of skin malignancies. The technique is quantitative and is shown to distinguish between normal and malignant skin. The study demonstrates on 12 patients the thermal product technique successfully detected skin cancers in comparison to normal skin.

Author info

Kam Chana, C Degiovanni, M Patel, P Drake, P Sains, V Sridhar

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