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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Classroom well-being through virtual learning environments in higher education from 2021 to 2023
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2024 Issue

Classroom well-being through virtual learning environments in higher education from 2021 to 2023

Published on Mar 26, 2024




The present research deals with the conditions associated with well-being in the classroom through virtual environments of the student population that attends lessons at a private university located in the Central Headquarters in San José, Costa Rica (Central America). The objective is to analyse the conditions associated with well-being in the classroom through virtual learning environments during the years 2021 to 2023.

The research uses a quantitative approach, and the type of study is descriptive and cross- sectional. The study was conducted with 731 active students during the period from 2021 to 2023 who used virtual environments to continue their studies. The sample corresponds to 46.5% of the total population (1570 students). The variables associated with well-being conditions in the classroom were environmental and technological conditions; emotional conditions; social conditions; methodological conditions; and student conditions. The Classroom Well-being Scale in virtual environments was used to collect the information. This instrument has a reliability of 95% and a very high correlation between variables (99%).

The results show that, in general, there is well-being in the classroom through virtual environments; specifically, that there is a high level of well-being in the classroom in the following aspects: availability of the virtual platform; respect for all people in the classroom environment; assertive communication in the course activities; and free expression of ideas in a respectful environment.

The aspects that reflect well-being in the classroom are: quality of audiovisual resources; availability of learning resources; structure of the virtual environment; student participation; and feeling at ease with the course.

The aspects to be reinforced to improve well-being are: activities proposed by the teacher in the course; and peer support in carrying out the course activities.

Author info

Eugenia Rodríguez-ugalde, André Díaz-rojas

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