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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > TUBERCULOSIS IS A LOOMING NEXT PANDEMY
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Feb 2024 Issue


Published on Feb 27, 2024




Tuberculosis kills today one person in 14 seconds in India and one in 12 seconds worldwide, i.e. about 4000 people every day, worldwide. The victims are largely invisible because they are confined in sanatoria and do not encumber regular hospitals, as did the coronavirus pandemy of 2020.

The coronavirus pandemy has put in glaring light the fragility of the elder, the minorities and the health agents exposed, as does TB. It also generated heathed discussions about drugs, vaccines, pathology, diagnosis and prognosis. The virus also causes significant immunological changes in the infected. It is a catastrophe but also the end-result of a predicted and foreseen tragedy: the destruction of our health systems and the deval- uation of the idea of Public Health. The mayhem of coronavirus may repeat itself with the foreseen rise of tuberculosis, whose characteristics resemble much those of the coronavirus. This bacterium is currently neglected but may, precisely because of this corona pandemy, expand again.

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Roland Maes

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