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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Two New Biomarkers and Mood Disorders: Bipolar Self, Bipolar EEG
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2024 Issue

Two New Biomarkers and Mood Disorders: Bipolar Self, Bipolar EEG

Published on Mar 12, 2024




Background: Although self theory was initially interested in narcissism, it began to explain depression over time. In our previous study, we showed that there was a relationship between self-inventory and mood disorder questionnaire scores in healthy individuals. Self-inventory defensive subscale scores of cases diagnosed with bipolar disorder were higher than healthy individuals. The aim of this study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between self-inventory scores and EEG spectral power densities in bipolar patients.

Methods: For this purpose, 50 cases diagnosed with bipolar disorder according to DSM-V were evaluated consecutively during their regular check-ups in our outpatient clinic. Subjects who gave voluntary consent to participate in the study were required to be in remission period for at least 8 weeks. Self Inventory and EEG applied.

Results: A relationship was found between compensatory grandiose self and FP1 alpha activity, and between defensive grandiose self and F3, Pz, T4, T5 beta activity (Table-1). There is a relationship between compensatory idealized parent image and FP1 delta ve theta, F7, P4, T4 theta, and between defensive idealized parent image and O1, O2 theta T6 beta activity.

Conclusion: According to our results, self-pathology and bipolar disorder overlap electrophysiologically. This suggests that more investigation should be done on the structural origin of mood disorders, in other words, whether the predisposition is a trait or not. As a matter of fact, the mind uses the brain as an interface. Self pathology is a spatiotemporal disorder.

Author info

Sermin Kesebir

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