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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Considerations on Design and Analysis of External Control in Pediatric Oncology
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2024 Issue

Considerations on Design and Analysis of External Control in Pediatric Oncology

Published on Mar 04, 2024




Pediatric cancer consists of a diverse group of rare diseases. Due to limited patient populations, standard randomized and controlled trials are often infeasible. As a result, single-arm trials are common in pediatric oncology and the use of external controls is often desirable or necessary to help generate actionable evidence and contextualize trial results. In this paper, we illustrate unique features in pediatric oncology clinical trials and describe their impact on the use of external controls. Various types of relevant external control data sources are described in terms of their utility and drawbacks. Statistical methodologies and design implications with external control are discussed. Two recent case studies using external controls to support pediatric oncology drug development are described in detail.

Keywords: Pediatric oncology, external controls, registry, prior clinical trial, combination therapy, Bayesian analysis

Author info

Jingjing Ye, Haitao Pan, Gregory Reaman, Satrajit Roychoudhury, Chengxing Lu, Lindsay Renfro, Yuan Ji, Rong Liu, Ying Yuan, Weidong Zhang

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