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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Visualisation and Evaluation Study of Some Patients Arteriosclerosis Microvessel with Coronary Artery Disease at Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2024 Issue

Visualisation and Evaluation Study of Some Patients Arteriosclerosis Microvessel with Coronary Artery Disease at Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Published on Mar 26, 2024




Visualization of coronary microvessel at ischemic disease still remains actual. There is necessity for additional study of arteriosclerosis microvessels.

The byoptates of auricular right atria of patients with coronary artery disease were taken at coronary artery bypass grafting. The epoxy slices were obtained from material treated by the method of transmission electron microscopy and fixed in epoxy resins with further staining by Azur II and viewed under light optical microscope.

Analysis of the images obtained during this study identified different arteriosclerotic damages, with negative phenomena of convolute formation in the walls of arteriolas and formation of de Novo arteriolas from previous one, by intussusception type that could also lead to ischemia.

Evaluation on 5-degree scale of pathological growth of vessels microcirculatory bed as well as provided 1-2 images could help during analyze of arteriosclerotic damages, identification of pathological process direction in each patient case.

This will improve medical treatment of such patients in postsurgical period.

Author info

Kukurtchyan N.s., Karapetyan G.r.

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