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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Head, heart and hands-on- Concerning, specific, visual and creative methods in psychotherapy. A case study.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2024 Issue

Head, heart and hands-on- Concerning, specific, visual and creative methods in psychotherapy. A case study.

Published on Mar 26, 2024




The purpose of the case description is, from a user perspective, to describe a crucial element of a psychotherapeutic process, where client and therapist work to enact the client’s perceptions and experiences via tangible, visual and representative methodology, and to explain, in context, relevant starting points in taping, psychodrama and the mode concept in schema therapy.


The case study is built on qualitative method and comprises a presentation of a psychotherapeutic process, as well as a description of theoretical and methodical starting points in the methodology. The case study consists of a selection of material from a psychotherapy process with a client during the period 2014–16.


The outcome is presented in text and images on the basis of a described change process.


The principal conclusions in the case study demonstrate that the combination of taping, psychodramatic techniques and the mode model from schema therapy share several common denominators. The theoretical and methodical starting points can be combined and can contribute to identifying the following factors as significant parts of the therapeutic process described: visualization of vulnerabilities, identification of unsatisfied needs, mentalization and change in behavior.


The case description is relevant given that the combined methodology is still an innovative area, and the case description has a contribution to make to development of the methodology within the area.

Author info

Christina Löwenborg

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