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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Trends and insights in liver cancer from a single institution study from Main Medical Directorate of the Russian Presidential Administration over 35 years (1981-2015)
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2024 Issue

Trends and insights in liver cancer from a single institution study from Main Medical Directorate of the Russian Presidential Administration over 35 years (1981-2015)

Published on Mar 26, 2024




Background: This study aims to analyze liver and bile duct tumors over 35 years in the population of the Main Medical Directorate of the Russian Presidential Administration with a view to identifying epidemiological trends and their possible causes.

Objective: to assess incidence and mortality rates, examine gender-specific patterns, describe histological picture, and evaluate the effectiveness of routine screenings on patient outcomes.

Methods: Retrospective data from the cancer registry of the Main Medical Directorate of the Russian Presidential Administration for 1981-2015 were analyzed. Incidence and mortality rates were assessed with regard to gender distribution, histological confirmation, and survival rates. Standardized indicators were compared with national and international benchmarks.

Results: For a period of 35 years, 227 cases of primary liver and bile duct tumors (ICD-C22) were identified. Of these, males made up 66% (149 cases), whereas for females it was 34% (78 cases). The average age of patients was 71.6 ± 11.4 years.  The study reveals a consistent decrease in morbidity and mortality rates for both men and women within the studied population, contrasting with national trends. Study showed 20% increase in the 3-year survival rate for patients diagnosed during routine screenings compared to those presenting with symptoms (p=0.0001). Hepatocellular carcinoma was the most common type of liver cancer in the population. Surgical intervention was utilized in 16% of cases, while chemotherapy was used in 25%. Symptomatic treatment constituted a significant proportion of the treatment modalities.

Conclusion: Our study provides insights into promising epidemiological trends in liver and bile duct tumors. Factors contributing to favorable outcomes include immunization, antiviral treatments, and lower alcohol consumption. Gender-specific patterns highlight the necessity for tailored screening. This study supports the adoption of regular screening efforts to boost early detection rates and enhance patient outcomes. These findings provide significant clinical implications and pave the way for future research.

Author info

Mariia Zharova, Igor Ivanikov, Natalya Vinogradova, Julia Grigoreva, Dmitry Ananyev, Oksana Kryuchkova, Natalya Efremova, Elena Myasnikova, Evgeniy Nikonov

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