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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Understanding COVID-19’s Wrath on the Populations of USA, India, and Brazil
Published in the Medical Research Archives
May 2024 Issue

Understanding COVID-19’s Wrath on the Populations of USA, India, and Brazil

Published on May 26, 2024




Background: As of March 2024, the populations of the USA, India, and Brazil have suffered over 2.4M combined COVID-19 deaths and are ranked as the top three countries in the world with the most fatalities due to the virus. Their populations differ significantly regarding their races/ethnicities, population densities, urbanization proportions, GDPs (Gross Domestic Products), age profiles, and COVID vaccinations. However, surprisingly they are bunched up at the top when it comes to the world’s COVID-19 deaths.

Aims: This paper examines these populations, with a combined 194M infections and counting, to provide a comprehensive understanding and explore the social inferences of the virus.

The main objectives of this study are to comprehend similarities and differences of the three populations for race, age, income, population density, urbanization, and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Methods: To understand COVID-19's underlying deaths in a country, its demographic and economic data were analyzed.

Results: For the US, in terms of population proportion of a race, the Whites saw a higher percentage of COVID-19 deaths, while the Blacks' deaths were in line with its proportion but both the Hispanics and Asians saw lower COVID-caused deaths than their proportions. For the country, 90% of these deaths were for the ages of over 55 years. Surprisingly the 0-17 years age group saw only 0.15% of total 1.2M COVID-19 deaths.

Brazil did experience the second highest COVID-19 deaths in the world. 80% of these deaths occurred in 11 states out of the country's 26. The same states have 70% of Brazil's population creating 65% of the country's GDP.

India, the world's most populated country, experienced the third-highest COVID-19 deaths in the world. 87% of its COVID deaths came from 14 states out of the country's 28. These states have 85% of India's population produced 89% of the country's GDP. India's top five COVID-caused deaths producing states experienced 60% of these deaths.

Conclusions: The top five COVID-19 deaths-producing states for both the USA and Brazil were driven by population and GDP rankings. A blend of GDP, total population, urbanization, and median age were key drivers for India's COVID-19 deaths.

Author info

Sunil Kulkarni, Rohan Kulkarni, Salva Ahmed, Virendra Bhojwani

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