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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Critical Thinking: Perceptions of Nurse Educators from Four Middle Eastern Countries
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jun 2024 Issue

Critical Thinking: Perceptions of Nurse Educators from Four Middle Eastern Countries

Published on Jun 14, 2024




Critical thinking is a key requirement for competent nursing care and interventions. The current literature lacks data on nurse educators' understanding and perceptions of critical thinking in Low and Middle-Income Countries. This study replicated a survey of nurse educators in Ghana, completed and published by Boso and Gross. 2 The initial research paper identified a lack of nurse educators’ understanding of Critical Thinking and the need for professional development. The current investigation used the same questionnaire items to examine nurse educators' definitions of critical thinking and perceptions of it in four Middle Eastern countries. Data analysis revealed that educators varied in their understanding of Critical Thinking, its definition, and the means to enhance its development in students. This research provides evidence to plan professional development for nursing faculty in these geographic regions.

Author info

Susan Boyer, Hamdia Ahmed, Noordeen Shoqirat, Miriam Chickering, Felix Anyiam, Ilknur Dolu, Khatere Seylani, Kathleen Capone, Erica Frank

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