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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Orthodoxy and credulity in medicine
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jul 2017 Issue

Orthodoxy and credulity in medicine

Published on Jul 15, 2017




Historically in medicine we have been quick to accept ideas based on inadequate evidence and quick to discredit those who question them. This is illustrated from the history of venesection and the work of Pierre Louis, from Pasteur’s difficulties in getting physicians and surgeons to understand bacteria, from Jenner’s work on vaccination, from the treatment of breast cancer, from the identification of the hazards of antenatal radiology, from the discovery of helicobacter pylori and from the recognition of the adverse effects of sugar. With the benefit of hindsight these controversies seem extraordinary. Some references to current issues are included. The difficulties outlined are not confined to medicine but have been well recognised in other disciplines.

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Colin Paterson

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