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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Molecular adsorbtion probed by the methods of Surface Resistance and Far Infrared Reflectivity
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2017 Issue

Molecular adsorbtion probed by the methods of Surface Resistance and Far Infrared Reflectivity

Published on Oct 01, 2017




The resistance of thin silver films in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) and of thin silver- and gold electrodes changes considerably by adsorption of various molecules or halide anions in the first monolayer . This surface resistance change depends on the adsorbed molecular species, and on the energy difference between the Fermi level and the lowest unoccupied level of the adsorbate. The sensitivity for Cd ions in water is in the ppb range. The under potential deposition of Pb and Cu ions on Ag and Au electrodes is connected by very strong changes of the surface resistance. Reconstruction of Au electrodes was observed. With far infrared synchrotron radiation the predicted linear relation between surface resistance and reflectivity at grazing incidence was verified. This method allows measuring the interaction of different adsorbed species and the role of adsorbed Cs. The surface currents on Cu(110) single crystal are very different in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the Cu surface chains.

Author info

Andreas Otto

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