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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Disease Transmission by Spin Supercurrent
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2019 Issue

Disease Transmission by Spin Supercurrent

Published on Oct 17, 2019




At present only one way of transmission of disease from an ill body organ to a healthy body organ is known: by means of living pathogenic microorganisms. It is shown in this work that there exists one more way of disease transmission from an ill body organ to a healthy one: by means of spin supercurrent. Spin supercurrents may not only play the role of microorganisms in transmission of diseases but transmit as well the diseases that are absolutely non-contagious from the standpoint of medical science. It is remarkable that spin supercurrent may transmit the peculiars of structure of DNA from one biological system (BS) to another. The effect of spin supercurrent is especially pronounced if the interacting body organs have some common characteristics, for example, in the case of organs of identical twins.

Author info

Liudmila Boldyreva

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