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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Prehabilitation for Prostate cancer surgery.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jun 2020 Issue

Prehabilitation for Prostate cancer surgery.

Published on Jun 18, 2020




Prostatectomy is associated with short- and long-term morbidity, which includes attenuation of cardiovascular and muscle function, as well as the deterioration of lean body mass. Physical function is a known predictor of morbidity and mortality, with initial evidence indicating that pre-surgical exercise is associated with fewer post-surgical complications and shorter hospitalisation. Prehabilitation has been previously shown to be more effective in enhancing postoperative functional capacity than rehabilitation alone. Evidence grows indicating benefits to clinical, physical and quality of life outcomes. Exercising within this critical period between cancer diagnosis and surgery allows the usage of surgical wait time to promote and facilitate health behaviour changes that can lead to altering prostate cancer patient management. By combining exercise with a nutritional and psychological intervention a prostate cancer patient can be set up to significantly improve preoperative physical and mental fitness in preparation for surgery and beyond.

Author info

Favil Singh

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