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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > PASS Predication, Antiviral, in vitro Antimicrobial, and ADMET Studies of Rhamnopyranoside Esters
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jul 2020 Issue

PASS Predication, Antiviral, in vitro Antimicrobial, and ADMET Studies of Rhamnopyranoside Esters

Published on Jul 22, 2020




Sugar derived esters (SEs) with potential antimicrobial activity were found to be a better choice to solve the multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogens due to improved antimicrobial efficacy, biodegradability, non-toxic, and non-allergic properties. In this context, a series of benzyl a-L-rhamnopyranoside esters with different chain length (C2-C18) were employed for PASS predication, antiviral, and in vitro antimicrobial activity test. The in vitro antimicrobial tests against four bacterial, and four fungal pathogens along with PASS predication indicated that these sugar esters acted as better antifungals as compared to antibacterial functionality. The study revealed that the incorporation of octanoyl (C8) and lauroyl (C12) group(s) at C-3 position of rhamnopyranoside possessed promising antimicrobial, and anti-carcinogenic potentiality with good pharmacokinetic (pkCSM), and drug likeness properties. Also, attachment of multiple ester groups enhanced various drug likeness, and medicinal chemistry friendliness conditions. Overall, the present findings might be useful for the development of rhamnopyranoside based novel MDR antimicrobial drugs.

Author info

Mohammed Matin, Md. Roshid, Sreebash Bhattacharjee, Abul Azad

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