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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Iatrogenic tracheobronchial rupture after emergency intubation
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jul 2020 Issue

Iatrogenic tracheobronchial rupture after emergency intubation

Published on Jul 26, 2020




Tracheal rupture is a rare but serious complication after endotracheal intubation.

We report the case of an 85-years-old female patient presenting a massive skin emphysema after endotracheal emergency intubation. A CT-scan of the thorax showed a massive mediastinal emphysema and a dislocated tube cuff in the pleural cavity. The implemented bronchoscopy also showed the suspicion for tracheal rupture.

A double-lumen-tube-intubation failed due to a trapped tube cuff, which could not be extracted.  In the following emergency surgery, the transthoracic intubation of the left main bronchus was the lifesaving procedure. Afterwards a successful tracheal reconstruction was made. 

When tracheal rupture occurs early detection and an accurate treatment is necessary.

Author info

Katharina Gaab, Holger Rupprecht, Harald Dormann

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