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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Functional Improvement in -Islet Cells and Hepatocytes with Decreasing Deuterium from Low Carbohydrate Intake in a Type-II Diabetic
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jun 2021 Issue

Functional Improvement in -Islet Cells and Hepatocytes with Decreasing Deuterium from Low Carbohydrate Intake in a Type-II Diabetic

Published on Jun 16, 2021




A 59-year-old patient with a 18-year history of type-II diabetes is presented who showed dramatic improvements to glucose tolerance tests and increased fasting hepatic glucose production with systemic deuterium depletion. Deuterium, which is well known to decrease the efficiency of the ATP syntheses nanomotors, is likely the mechanism leading to the systemic changes to both insulin and hepatic glucose production in the pancreas and liver, respectively. Systemic deuterium depletion occurs with consumption of low carbohydrate (keto) diets and deuterium depleted water.

Author info

Edwin Jones, Cortney Jardet

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