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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Time Perspective and Quality of Life in Persons Living with HIV in the Brazilian Context
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Nov 2022 Issue

Time Perspective and Quality of Life in Persons Living with HIV in the Brazilian Context

Published on Nov 28, 2022




Background: Time perspective can be an important variable for the understanding the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS.


Aims: The objective was to examine the relation between quality of life and time perspective among persons living with HIV receiving care from public health services in Brazil.


Methods: Data were collected at four public health services in Brazil. Hierarchical regression analyses were then performed for each of six quality of life domains.


Results: The subscales associated with high quality of life in physical and level of independence domains were low past-negative and high future orientation; psychological and environmental domains were low past-negative, high past-positive and high future orientations; social relations domain were high past-positive and high future orientations; and spirituality, religion and personal beliefs domain was low past-negative orientation.


Conclusion: The hypothesis that time constructs have implications for the experience of the disease and for evaluation of quality of life was proven determined by positive orientations like future and past-positive and past-negative orientation.


Keywords: quality of life; time perspective; health-related quality of life; time perception; AIDS.

Author info

Denize Oliveira, Hellen Cecilio, Tadeu Costa, Themis Apostolidis, Rodrigo Hipólito, Daniela Oliveira, Juliana Domingues, Renata Stefaisk, Yndira Machado, Antonio Marcos Gomes, Sergio Marques

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