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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Refutation of the Identity of the Contemporary Official Description of Atherosclerosis with the Real Atherosclerotic Lesions in Humans and Animals
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Nov 2022 Issue

Refutation of the Identity of the Contemporary Official Description of Atherosclerosis with the Real Atherosclerotic Lesions in Humans and Animals

Published on Nov 28, 2022




The "contemporary official" description of AS, according to the generally accepted theory, should completely coincide with vascular lesions in an animal and vascular lesions in humans. A study of AS in humans and animals has shown that humans have two separate types of lesions that are completely unrelated. Both species have their own characteristics (etiology, pathogenesis, appearance), which are completely different from each other. Lesions in humans also do not coincide with lesions in animals. The "contemporary" type of AS differs both from AS in animals and AS in humans, but at the same time creates the illusion of "identity" of these processes. In practice, the "contemporary" look cannot be found in the vessels of animals and humans. This article analyzes how the "contemporary" type of atherosclerotic lesion appeared, and how, for 100 years, the "contemporary" type could create an imitation of the "similarity" of completely different processes.

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Sergey Rusanov

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