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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Non-pharmacologic Interventions for the Maternal-Infant Dyad
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jan 2023 Issue

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Non-pharmacologic Interventions for the Maternal-Infant Dyad

Published on Jan 31, 2023




Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) remains a concern for health care providers. The incidence of NAS has increased globally, and it has emerged as a worldwide health concern. In our previous article, we explored the efficacy of current pharmacologic treatment for NAS symptoms. Our purpose now is to focus on non-pharmacologic interventions for NAS symptoms and the involvement of caregivers, specifically the mother. We will discuss breastfeeding, rooming in, babywearing, the eat, sleep, console approach, and laser acupuncture.

We intend to describe the involvement of the interdisciplinary team and all who care for these infants, including parents.

Author info

Nancy Macmullen, Laura Dulski

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