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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Measuring Social Determinant Access and Equity by Race in U.S. States
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Feb 2023 Issue

Measuring Social Determinant Access and Equity by Race in U.S. States

Published on Feb 28, 2023




The effective design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of state programs to reduce racial health inequities requires measures of societal resource access (e.g., education, home ownership, voting) and access inequity by race in each state.  This paper proposes criteria for the selection of social determinants to assess, and ways to combine data to assess overall access and overall access inequity in states.  Access and equity can be compared across geographic regions assessed.  Hypotheses regarding the determinants and consequences of access and equity can be examined.  Means of validating metrics are proposed.  An example of analysis of access and inequity for Blacks and Whites in U.S. states yields surprising results—social determinant access and access equity are generally greatest in southern states.  These metrics can be used to target and measure the effects of interventions to advance health equity for racial minority populations.  The condition of state access and equity by race indicates the culmination of structural racism.

Author info

Robert Hahn

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