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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Hydrodynamic theory of atherosclerosis formation in humans - «Reaction to spasm». Cylindrical cholesterol plaque is the cause of heart attack and stroke.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2023 Issue

Hydrodynamic theory of atherosclerosis formation in humans - «Reaction to spasm». Cylindrical cholesterol plaque is the cause of heart attack and stroke.

Published on Mar 31, 2023




An analysis of scientific literature, photo and video materials showed that plaques in humans are completely different from plaques in animals and the «contemporary official description» of AS. They differ in appearance, lack of inflammation of the walls of the artery, clinical manifestations, complications. It has also been found that «true» plaque has nothing to do with the first four types of atherosclerosis in humans. It was necessary to understand how in the lumen of a healthy artery a strong, elastic, yellow, homogeneous plaque in the form of a hollow cylinder - a «cylindrical plaque» - appears very quickly? As a result, the «Hydrodynamic Theory» was proposed, which answers all the complex questions related to the appearance, aging and destruction of «true» plaques in humans. It describes the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, classification, complications, methods of treatment and prevention of «cylindrical» plaques that cause heart attacks and strokes in humans.

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Rusanov Sergey

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