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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Total Unilateral Collapsed Lung- A Sequela of Pulmonary Tuberculosis- and Pregnancy Outcome
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2023 Issue

Total Unilateral Collapsed Lung- A Sequela of Pulmonary Tuberculosis- and Pregnancy Outcome

Published on Oct 25, 2023





Lung tissue damage after pulmonary tuberculosis is common and can result in persistent pulmonary disability with negative influence on a patient’s quality of life. On the other hand, a COVID-19 infection in a previously treated tuberculosis patient with residual pulmonary abnormalities imposes an increased risk of death. On their own, both of these diseases can have a devastating effect on a patient’s pulmonary system and as such be the cause of disability or even death. In this case report of total atelectasis of the left lung due to obliteration of the left main bronchus after tuberculosis treatment, we present a pregnant patient, who despite a significant reduction in pulmonary function, managed to have a pregnancy with favorable outcome. Thereafter the patient even recovered from a COVID-19 infection, illustrating resilience of the human body.

Author info

Anoep Gopie

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