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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Psychosocial Needs of Breast Cancer Survivors in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2024 Issue

Psychosocial Needs of Breast Cancer Survivors in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Published on Mar 26, 2024




Background: Despite the high prevalence of breast cancer, there is limited understanding of the psychosocial needs of cancer survivors in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Methods: A survey was conducted to assess the psychosocial needs among 205 breast cancer survivors in the UAE and the association of various socio-demographics and clinical characteristics with the psychosocial needs were analysed.

Results: The informational needs were the highest (mean - 27.99 ± 11.02) among the study participants compared to other psychosocial needs. Healthcare specialists were the most preferred source of information for all the psychosocial needs. Individuals currently receiving treatment (p-0.006) and who had longer years of survival (p-0.006) had significantly higher informational concerns. Social and financial concerns were significantly higher in expats (p<0.001), individuals currently receiving treatment (p<0.001) and individuals with longer years of survival (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The study shows that there are unmet psychosocial needs among the breast cancer survivors in the UAE and the needs differ based on demographic and clinical characteristics.  

Author info

Subhashini Ganesan, Maria Aamir, Linda Dubrow-marshall, Roderick Dubrow-marshall, Mouza Al Ameri, Walid Zaher

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