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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > The tumour thiolome as a potential target for anticancer drug development - time for a re-valuation of this area of cancer research.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jan 2024 Issue

The tumour thiolome as a potential target for anticancer drug development - time for a re-valuation of this area of cancer research.

Published on Jan 31, 2024




This review is concerned with the role of various thiol constituents of the eukaryote cellular thiolome, particularly the part they play in the metabolism of tumour cells. The thiolome can be divided into two sections of high and low molecular weight thiol moieties and these are discussed. The impact of the discovery of high concentrations of a new unknown low molecular weight thiol in a tumour thiolome is also discussed. Its presence may have important ramifications in the search for new and more effective chemotherapeutic drugs to treat metastatic tumour cell growths.

Author info

Michael Gronow

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