Pharmacology Session

Pharmacology Session Presentations

Speaker Presentation   Title
Natalie Germann In situ theological testing of soft gel materials for pharmaceutical applications
Allan Mathews Therapeutic   Drug Monitoring of Anti-Epileptic Drugs in a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia.
Stephen Shrewsbury The Upper Nasal Space: An efficient route for systemic drug delivery
Juan Sanchez-Ramos Nanoparticles   Designed for Nose-to-brain Delivery of Gene Therapy of Huntington’s Disease
Robert Foster Pharmacokinetics   and Pharmacodynamics of CRV431 for Treatment of NASH
Barik S. Mohammed Transethosomes   a Novel Transdermal Drug Delivery System for Antifungal Drugs
Eelko Hak Concordance   assessment of self-reported medication use in the Netherlands   three-generation Lifelines Cohort study with the pharmacy database   The PharmLines initiative
Rudolf Brenneisen Pharmacokinetics   of cannabinoids
Raha Rahbari Transdermal   delivery using Microstructures
Michael Holden Healthy   Living Pharmacy – its role in medicines optimisation and safety, prevention   and protection within an integrated health system
Steven Finkbeiner Cell   death assays for neurodegenerative disease drug discovery
Bryan Bellaire Gut   Organoid as a New Platform to Study Alginate and Chitosan Mediated PLGA   Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
Nathalie Wagner Clinical   Pharmacology and Safety of Trifarotene, a First-in-Class RAR gamma-Selective   Topical Retinoid
Sakurako Neo Characterization   of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death (Eryptosis) in Dogs
Joseph M Keenan The   Superfecta of Healthy Aging
Beate Bittner Connected   drug delivery devices to complement drug treatments: potential to facilitate   disease management in home setting
Richard Weinshilboum Pharmacogenomics:   Precision Medicine and Drug Response
Stephen Ruberg Inference   and Decision Making for 21st-Century Drug Development and Approval
Norbert Lange Cyclopeptidic   photosensitizer prodrugs as proteolytically triggered drug delivery systems   of pheophorbide A: part I – self-quenched prodrugs†
Fischer Sally Point-of-care   and utility in clinical trials: making quicker decisions to transform patient   care and drug development
Moyassar I. AHMED, Using   Quality Risk Management in Pharmaceutical Industries: A Case Study
Chao Wang Engineering   Cell-derived nanoparticles for Immunotherapy Delivery
Chao Fang Nanobowl-Supported   Liposomes Improve Drug Loading and Delivery
Janet Scott Pharmacokinetics   of TKM-130803 in Sierra Leonean patients with Ebola virus disease: plasma concentrations exceed target levels,   with drug accumulation in the most severe patients
Jann N Sarkaria Heterogeneous   delivery across the blood-brain barrier limits the efficacy of an   EGFR-targeting antibody drug conjugate in glioblastoma
Paul Y Takahashi No   Association Between Pharmacogenomics Variants and Hospital and Emergency   Department Utilization: A Mayo Clinic Biobank Retrospective Study
Seira Toyosat The   influence of intervening on the pharmaceutical consultation targeting   outpatients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving erlotinib   treatment
Colin Wright Cryptolepine   – a lead towards ‘green’ novel antimalarial and antitrypanosomal drugs?
Paula DeVos Rosewater   and Philosophers’ Oil: Thermo-chemical processing in medieval and early   modern Spanish pharmacy
Dingpei Long Genetically   modified silk fibroin nanoparticles for drug delivery: preparation strategies   and application prospects
Shaimaa ElShebiney Newly   developed controlled release subcutaneous formulation for tramadol   hydrochloride
Simon Huff Methodical process digitization – The process-driven approach (PDA) in its application to the pharmaceutical sector
William E. Fahl A   New Orally Active_ Aminothiol Radioprotector-Free of Nausea and Hypotension   Side Effects at Its Highest Radioprotective Doses
Alaa Abuzaid Female   pharmacists’ career perceptions in Saudi Arabia: A survey at an academic   center in Jeddah
Miguel Tobias Bahia A   bone remodeling model governed by cellular micromechanics and physiologically   based pharmacokinetics
Huangqingbo Sun Evaluation   of categorical matrix completion algorithms: toward improved active learning   for drug discovery
Stanimir Kabaivanov Modelling   the Innovative Potential of Companies in the Pharmaceutical Industry in   Bulgaria
Elisabetta Groaz Synthesis   and antiviral evaluation of cyclopentyl nucleoside phosphonates
Swarna Beesetti Designed   Synthesis of Nanostructured Magnetic Hydroxyapatite Based Drug Nanocarrier   for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery toward the Treatment of Human Epidermoid   Carcinom
Tara Lovestead. Determination   of cannabinoid vapor pressures to aid in vapor phase detection of   intoxication
Miyauchi Masato Successful   retrieval using ultrathin transnasal esophagogastroduodenoscopy of a   significant amount of residual tricyclic antidepressant following serious   toxicity: a case report
Jennifer Danielson Essential   Elements for Core Required Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences
Limor Meoded Danon Time   matters for intersex bodies: Between socio-medical time and somatic time
Hyunmin Ahn Artificial   intelligence method to classify ophthalmic emergency severity based on   symptoms: a validation study
Yoji Inaba Which   part of community social capital is related to life satisfaction and   self-rated health? A multilevel analysis based on a nationwide mail survey in   Japan
Jingrui Yang MG53   and disordered metabolism in striated muscle
Jose Barreto Social   Media and Web Presence for Patients and Professionals: Evolving Trends and   Implications for Practice
Leslie John Griffiths A   challenging injury interpretation: could this be a stab wound
Susan Garfield Health   Technology Assessment for Molecular Diagnostics: Practices_ Challenges_ and   Recommendations from the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Special Interest   Group
Stefania Nobili Pharmacogenetics in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with R-CHOP


Presentation   Title

Allan MathewsTherapeutic   Drug Monitoring of Anti-Epileptic Drugs in a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia.
Stephen ShrewsburyThe   Upper Nasal Space: An efficient route for systemic drug delivery
Juan Sanchez-RamosNanoparticles   Designed for Nose-to-brain Delivery of Gene Therapy of Huntington’s Disease
Robert FosterPharmacokinetics   and Pharmacodynamics of CRV431 for Treatment of NASH
Barik S. MohammedTransethosomes   a Novel Transdermal Drug Delivery System for Antifungal Drugs
Eelko HakConcordance   assessment of self-reported medication use in the Netherlands   three-generation Lifelines Cohort study with the pharmacy database   The PharmLines initiative
Rudolf BrenneisenPharmacokinetics   of cannabinoids
Raha RahbariTransdermal   delivery using Microstructures
Michael HoldenHealthy   Living Pharmacy – its role in medicines optimisation and safety, prevention   and protection within an integrated health system
Steven FinkbeinerCell   death assays for neurodegenerative disease drug discovery
Bryan BellaireGut   Organoid as a New Platform to Study Alginate and Chitosan Mediated PLGA   Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery
Nathalie WagnerClinical   Pharmacology and Safety of Trifarotene, a First-in-Class RAR gamma-Selective   Topical Retinoid
Sakurako NeoCharacterization   of Suicidal Erythrocyte Death (Eryptosis) in Dogs
Joseph M KeenanThe   Superfecta of Healthy Aging
Beate BittnerConnected   drug delivery devices to complement drug treatments: potential to facilitate   disease management in home setting
Richard WeinshilboumPharmacogenomics:   Precision Medicine and Drug Response
Stephen RubergInference   and Decision Making for 21st-Century Drug Development and Approval
Norbert LangeCyclopeptidic   photosensitizer prodrugs as proteolytically triggered drug delivery systems   of pheophorbide A: part I – self-quenched prodrugs†
Fischer SallyPoint-of-care   and utility in clinical trials: making quicker decisions to transform patient   care and drug development
Moyassar I. AHMED,Using   Quality Risk Management in Pharmaceutical Industries: A Case Study
Chao WangEngineering   Cell-derived nanoparticles for Immunotherapy Delivery
Chao FangNanobowl-Supported   Liposomes Improve Drug Loading and Delivery
Janet ScottPharmacokinetics   of TKM-130803 in Sierra Leonean patients with Ebola virus disease: plasma concentrations exceed target levels,   with drug accumulation in the most severe patients
Jann N SarkariaHeterogeneous   delivery across the blood-brain barrier limits the efficacy of an   EGFR-targeting antibody drug conjugate in glioblastoma
Paul Y TakahashiNo   Association Between Pharmacogenomics Variants and Hospital and Emergency   Department Utilization: A Mayo Clinic Biobank Retrospective Study
Seira ToyosatThe   influence of intervening on the pharmaceutical consultation targeting   outpatients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer receiving erlotinib   treatment
Colin WrightCryptolepine   – a lead towards ‘green’ novel antimalarial and antitrypanosomal drugs?
Paula DeVosRosewater   and Philosophers’ Oil: Thermo-chemical processing in medieval and early   modern Spanish pharmacy
Dingpei LongGenetically   modified silk fibroin nanoparticles for drug delivery: preparation strategies   and application prospects
Shaimaa ElShebineyNewly   developed controlled release subcutaneous formulation for tramadol   hydrochloride
Simon HuffMethodical process digitization – The process-driven approach (PDA) in its application to the pharmaceutical sector
William E. FahlA   New Orally Active_ Aminothiol Radioprotector-Free of Nausea and Hypotension   Side Effects at Its Highest Radioprotective Doses
Alaa AbuzaidFemale   pharmacists’ career perceptions in Saudi Arabia: A survey at an academic   center in Jeddah
Miguel Tobias BahiaA   bone remodeling model governed by cellular micromechanics and physiologically   based pharmacokinetics
Huangqingbo SunEvaluation   of categorical matrix completion algorithms: toward improved active learning   for drug discovery
Stanimir KabaivanovModelling   the Innovative Potential of Companies in the Pharmaceutical Industry in   Bulgaria
Elisabetta GroazSynthesis   and antiviral evaluation of cyclopentyl nucleoside phosphonates
Swarna BeesettiDesigned   Synthesis of Nanostructured Magnetic Hydroxyapatite Based Drug Nanocarrier   for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery toward the Treatment of Human Epidermoid   Carcinom
Tara Lovestead.Determination   of cannabinoid vapor pressures to aid in vapor phase detection of   intoxication
Miyauchi MasatoSuccessful   retrieval using ultrathin transnasal esophagogastroduodenoscopy of a   significant amount of residual tricyclic antidepressant following serious   toxicity: a case report
Jennifer DanielsonEssential   Elements for Core Required Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences
Limor Meoded DanonTime   matters for intersex bodies: Between socio-medical time and somatic time
Hyunmin AhnArtificial   intelligence method to classify ophthalmic emergency severity based on   symptoms: a validation study
Yoji InabaWhich   part of community social capital is related to life satisfaction and   self-rated health? A multilevel analysis based on a nationwide mail survey in   Japan
Jingrui YangMG53   and disordered metabolism in striated muscle
Jose BarretoSocial   Media and Web Presence for Patients and Professionals: Evolving Trends and   Implications for Practice
Leslie John GriffithsA   challenging injury interpretation: could this be a stab wound
Susan GarfieldHealth   Technology Assessment for Molecular Diagnostics: Practices_ Challenges_ and   Recommendations from the Medical Devices and Diagnostics Special Interest   Group
Stefania NobiliPharmacogenetics in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients treated
with R-CHOP


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