Featured Keynote Speakers – Global Conference on Cardiology

Featured Keynote Speakers

Jaakko Tuomilehto

National Institute for Health and Welfare

Diabetes and risk coronary heart disease

Dr. Tuomilehto has coordinated numerous scientific research projects, and contributed many landmark studies including the North Karelia Project in Finland, the 1st community-based prevention programme for CVD in the 1970s. He initiated the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study (DPS) that demonstrated a 58% reduction in incidence type 2 diabetes (T2D) with lifestyle intervention.

Verena Poinsot

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, INSERM

Paracrine signalization in inflammatory background of heart failure

Verena Poinsot is research director at the CNRS, attached to the National Institute of Chemistry at the chemistry-biology interface. Her research work focuses on the identification of paracrine signals between cells, mainly by means of mass spectrometry.

She has been involved for nearly 20 years in the University having been an elected member and member of the board of the UFR PCA, then a member of the UPS CR as well as of its operational unit, member of the CAc and of the disciplinary committee. She is also a member appointed by the CNRS to the CAc of the Federal University (UFT MiP) and its office.

Call for papers

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