Application of a β-mannanase enzyme in diets with a reduced net energy content in post-weaning piglets resulted in equal performance and an additional economic benefit

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Frédéric ACJ Vangroenweghe Sarah Goethals Delphine Van Zele Anne de Bruijn


β-Mannans are strongly anti-nutritive polysaccharide fibers found in most vegetable feed ingredients. The estimated content of soluble β-mannans in common swine diets range from 0.15 to 0.40%. In vitro studies have demonstrated that as little as 0.05% soluble β-mannan content in feed can elicit a strong innate immune response. Hemicell HT (Elanco Animal Health) is a β-mannanase enzyme for animal feed that breaks down β-mannans, thereby preventing economic losses from the wasteful immune response to β-mannans. The present study aimed to compare pig performance on a control diet and a reformulated diet with a lower energy content – 45 kcal/kg NE reduction – and the inclusion of a β-mannanase enzyme. A six-week feeding trial was conducted on a commercial post-weaning facility with DanBred x Belgian Piétrain pigs starting at 21 days of age. Standard three-phase control diets were compared to reformulated diets with an energy reduction of 45 kcal NE/kg and inclusion of a β-mannanase enzyme (Hemicell HT; Elanco) at 300 g/tonne. Standard production data were collected. The data were analyzed using JMP 15.0 statistical program. Overall, performance data did not differ significantly between trial groups in both Phase 1 and Phase 2, and overall, during the entire post-weaning period. Mortality was only numerically, but not significantly higher in the Control as compared to the Hemicell HT group. Hemicell HT had an overall benefit of € 1.69 per piglet and € 15.18 per tonne of feed due to the 45 kcal/kg NE reduction. The current trial demonstrated that the inclusion of Hemicell HT in reformulated diets with a lower energy content (45 kcal NE/kg) was able to retain production performance in post-weaned piglets with an economic benefit.

Keywords: β-mannanase, post-weaned pigs, net energy reduction, equal performance, economic benefit

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How to Cite
VANGROENWEGHE, Frédéric ACJ et al. Application of a β-mannanase enzyme in diets with a reduced net energy content in post-weaning piglets resulted in equal performance and an additional economic benefit. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 6, june 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi:
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