Pediatrics Norms for Visual Contrast Sensitivity Using an APT VCS Tester

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Scott W. McMahon Konnor A. Kundomal Sanjay Yangalasetty


Chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) is an acute and chronic, systemic inflammatory response syndrome usually acquired following exposure to the interior environment of water-damaged buildings (WDB).  Capillary hypoperfusion is a principle mechanism of injury in CIRS patients.  Visual contrast sensitivity (VCS) testing is affected by capillary hypoperfusion and has been used to screen patients and track treatment results in CIRS cases.  Adult VCS norms for the APT VCS Tester were developed by its manufacturer but pediatric norms have not been made available.  This study evaluated VCS testing, using an APT VCS tester, on 157 consecutive pediatric patients presenting for wellness checks at a local pediatric clinic.  Thirty children were excluded. For the remaining 127 controls, means for left eyes at each CPD (cycles per degree of visual arc) were the same as for right eyes at the same testing frequency.  The mean visual contrast raw score at 1.5 CPD was 8.1 out of a possible 9 (stdev = 0.534).  The mean for 3 CPD was 8.2 (stdev = 0.531).  The mean for 6 CPD was 8.2 (stdev = 0.450).  The mean for 12 CPD was 7.8 (stdev = 0.835).  The mean for 18 CPD was 1.8 (stdev = 2.40).  Further analysis showed there was no significant difference between boys and girls, between well controlled asthmatics and those without asthma or between the cohort of ages 7-8 and any other age grouping.  The pediatric VCS norms calculated were the same as the manufacturer’s reported norms for adults.  Pediatric CIRS prevalence in this cohort was calculated as a minimum of 7.6% and a maximum of 12.7%.  Pediatric CIRS prevalence is on the same order as pediatric asthma.

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How to Cite
MCMAHON, Scott W.; KUNDOMAL, Konnor A.; YANGALASETTY, Sanjay. Pediatrics Norms for Visual Contrast Sensitivity Using an APT VCS Tester. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 5, may 2017. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.
Visual contrast sensitivity; VCS; CIRS; inflammation; pediatrics; APT VCS Tester; capillary hypoperfusion; prevalence
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