Impact of Spiritual Therapy in Patients with Alcohol and Drug Addiction

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Efrén Santacruz Paz Enrique Miyashiro Mónica Betancourt Pablo Pazos Viviana Villena Esteban Tipán Mónica Sáenz Esteban Larrea Carlos Man Ging


Background: Alcohol and drugs dependency has become a global health problem that affects many people. Our study reports research on the impact of spiritual therapy.  Aim: The project was carried out at the Hospital Especializado San Juan de Dios (Quito) in order to study the impact of spiritual intelligence competencies on patients with alcohol and drug dependence.

Methods: We used two instruments with three measurements (at the beginning, the half and at the end of therapy application). Validated instruments were used: the self-perception scale of spiritual intelligence competencies and the SISRI-24 test.

Results: An increase in the values of spiritual intelligence competencies was observed, especially between the first and second application, and less so between the second and third application. The results of the SISRI-24 test were clustered into four groups and showed a progressive trend growth between the three intakes. All spiritual competencies have shown activation during the spiritual therapy. The most prominent in this study are the ability to take distance, inner calling and full experience of now.

Conclusion: The spiritual accompaniment provided to patients seeks to confront and reduce addiction by fostering self-confidence, strengthening the will and thereby internally developing a sense of hope. These outcomes have strengthened the proposal for comprehensive patient care and have also enabled further ongoing studies.

Keywords: alcohol and drug dependence, inner calling, meaning of life, spiritual competencies, SISRI-24

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How to Cite
PAZ, Efrén Santacruz et al. Impact of Spiritual Therapy in Patients with Alcohol and Drug Addiction. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 9, sep. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 jan. 2025. doi:
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