Cognitive remediation and work outcomes in schizophrenia

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Nicolas Franck Aurélie Dubrulle


Getting and keeping a job are some of the main criteria for recovery in schizophrenia, and are often undermined by cognitive impairments. Cognitive performance is clearly associated with functional outcomes, particularly with the ability to get a job. Reducing the impact of cognitive disorders is therefore necessary to help patients with schizophrenia succeed in their professional integration or reintegration.

Cognitive remediation is the therapeutic tool used to best fight cognitive impairments, by training the impaired functions or trying to reduce their functional outcomes through the development of cognitive strategies. This article reviews the recent literature focused on the vocational outcomes of cognitive remediation when used in association with employment support, and offers to refine its indications depending on specific parameters.

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How to Cite
FRANCK, Nicolas; DUBRULLE, Aurélie. Cognitive remediation and work outcomes in schizophrenia. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], n. 3, july 2016. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 oct. 2024.
schizophrenia; recovery; cognitive deficits; executive functions; memory; attention; neuropsychology; social cognition; metacognition; cognitive remediation; vocational outcomes; work functioning; competitive employment; vocational rehabilitation.
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