Perspectives on Applying Organizational Psychology to Improve Rural Oncology Care

Main Article Content

Clair Reynolds Kueny, MS PhD


This editorial provides an interdisciplinary look at rural oncology care, blending healthcare delivery research, public health literature related to rural healthcare, and organizational science to better understand the benefits and challenges associated with rural cancer care. In particular, I provide a brief overview of how organizational psychology can and should be leveraged to better support rural oncology, including rural cancer centers, rural oncology teams, and individual healthcare professionals that practice in rural settings. This continued convergence of disciplines will further enhance oncology care provision for patients, improve rural healthcare professionals’ work experience, and provide sustainable practices for rural cancer care centers. Recommendations, specifically from the lens of organizational psychology, blended with expertise in rural healthcare, are provided to help researchers, leaders, and healthcare professionals continue to move forward with exemplary rural healthcare.

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How to Cite
KUENY, Clair Reynolds. Perspectives on Applying Organizational Psychology to Improve Rural Oncology Care. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 6, june 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 feb. 2025. doi:
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