Brownian motion under the influence of green noise

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C. A. Guz M. V. Sviridov



The motion of a Brownian particle is examined when exposed to green noise generated with a randomly localized potential function. To investigate this motion, an averaging method was developed which is valid for any intensity external noises. For the case of a limited quasi-periodic model potential, the particle trajectory implementations were numerically calculated. It is shown that introducing the effective potential in a certain manner plays a critical role when studying the possibility of a phase transition in a given system.

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How to Cite
GUZ, C. A.; SVIRIDOV, M. V.. Brownian motion under the influence of green noise. Quarterly Physics Review, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 2, july 2017. ISSN 2572-701X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 24 july 2024.



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