Author Guideline
Submit a manuscript
Manuscripts may be submitted at any time using our online submission form available at Submissions will not be accepted via email. Hard-copy submissions are not accepted.
The following instructions can be used to submit a manuscript online at
1. From the Register button, open the Registration form.
2. Make sure to tick the “Author: able to submit items to the journal” box at the bottom of the form.
3. Go to the User Home tab and click on the “New Submission” link, on the right hand side. Steps for submission will appear.
4. Fill in the Checklist and the Copyright Notice section.
5. Click on the blue "Save and Continue" button.
6. Upload the submission file, following the instructions.
7. Add title and abstract, provide keywords, language and references.
8. Click on "Save and continue" again.
9. Upload any additional files you may have.
10. Confirm the submission.
Click here to submit