Instagram ranking system
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Buying Instagram followers and likes or other SMM services have long been an integral part of successful account promotion. Content, interactivity, profile customization - all this also matters, and the ultimate goal is to get the first lines in the news and search engine. Then we can talk about the popularity and prospects of the blog.
But how does Instagram rank posts? It is clear that more popular publications are ranked higher, for this you need to buy Instagram followers and likes and similar services. But what is the mechanism of ranking? After all, understanding the algorithms of the automatic system allows you to use promotion tools more effectively.
Parameters for ranking posts
Previously, posts and profiles were placed in the feed in chronological order, but since 2019, the algorithm has been changed similar to Facebook, where ranking is determined by three factors. The first factor is called User Affinity, that is, the post will be shown first to those who have interacted more with its author (correspondence, comments, likes, etc. are taken into account, naturally friends and subscribers receive the post first).
The second factor is Content Weight, which determines the “weight” of the information - how much the post is objectively valuable to users. Here two indicators are taken into account - users' reaction to the post and its content. Reaction is, again, any interaction - views, likes, reposts, comments. The content of the post is evaluated from an SEO perspective.
Time-Based Decay Parameter is the third factor that determines the relevance of information for the user. The system evaluates the user's reaction to posts with certain content, and if the posts on the topic they are looking for are not interesting to them, the system simply stops showing them. This is important from the point of view of promotion - if you have made a mistake with the target audience, then no matter how perfect your post is from the point of view of SEO and SMM, the user who is not interested in it will simply not see it.
Ranking the feed
Buying Instagram likes is important for every new post, and here's why. The fact is that the specifics of ranking posts in this social network is determined not only by novelty, and to be more precise - the date of publication (that is, the chronological criterion) is just not prevalent, again yielding to the parameters of activity - likes, comments, reposts.
But not only that matters. The overall activity of the author of a post raises its ranking. The interaction of any user who reads the post with its author also raises the rank of the post. The author's regular activity in Stories and SEO promotion of the profile are tracked by the system to no lesser extent, and they too affect the ranking of older posts.
The algorithm that Instagram uses is called elusive chronology - the system evaluates 50 recent interactions related to a post and its author, and ranks the post based on the intensity of these interactions. In this case, over time, old posts in any case start to be ranked lower than new ones, so it only makes sense to maintain activity in them for a limited period of time. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say exactly what kind of time, everything is determined by experience.
Relevance of posts
Another set of parameters affecting the ranking of posts is their relevance - compliance with the expectations of the audience. The first parameter is Popularity, which is the popularity of a particular post based on users' interactions with it within a trend. The second parameter is Novelty, which is the novelty of the content, i.e. if little or no information presented in a post is talked about before publication, it has a positive impact on ranking.
Timeliness is the third parameter, the relevance of the post. The easiest way to understand it is to use the example of news - if you publish news that is being actively discussed online at the moment, it will rank higher. If the news is not discussed at all or it is old - its relevance will be lower. Buying 200 Instagram followers can help with increasing the ranking of account and posts, but up to a certain limit and only within its relevance parameters.
The importance of SEO and SMM
Now the most important question - how does Instagram determine the relevance of a post, its relevance to trends and demand for a particular user? And these are just SEO and SMM parameters, namely the use of keywords, hashtags, linking to other posts on the topic, etc. in the text of the post.
If the system can not calculate the post on these parameters (if it is not optimized), it automatically postpones its ranking and it defaults to SEO-optimized posts. That's why competent promotion and ordering paid SMM services are so important for increasing profile popularity