Policy Framework: A New Approach to Addressing Undervaccination in Europe

Policy Framework:

A New Approach to Addressing Undervaccination in Europe


The European Society of Medicine is launching this policy framework to address a growing threat to public health. In the face of a persistent decline in vaccine confidence, Europe confronts a critical juncture in its vaccination strategy. Despite the availability of effective vaccines, undervaccination remains a pressing issue, with significant implications for community health and safety.

In several European countries, fewer than 40% of people agree that “vaccines are important, safe, effective, and compatible with your beliefs.” In multiple places this has already lead to vaccination levels below the threshold for herd immunity, and localized outbreaks which are at risk of spreading.

Europe must unite in its efforts to address undervaccination. The stakes are high, and the time to act is now. We are calling upon the medical community to participate in this initiative and submit research which strengthens its objectives.

Core Topics

Vaccine Hesitancy COVID-19 Misinformation Vaccine Delivery Infection Algorithms Herd Immunity Measles

Strategic Action Plan

  • Strengthen the Framework: Reinforce the framework by curating a series of peer-reviewed scientific articles to support the key points, to be featured in a dedicated issue of the society’s journal.
  • Wide Dissemination: Distribute the framework to key stakeholders, including policymakers, health ministries, and World Health Organization (WHO) representatives across European nations, ensuring widespread awareness and adoption.
  • Progress Monitoring: Implement a systematic approach to monitor advancements by consistently gathering and analyzing data on immunization rates, thereby ensuring the framework’s impact is measurable and transparent.

Journal Snapshot

Publication format:

PubMed ID:
Publication fees:

European Society of Medicine
Online, full open access
Free for members

Important Deadlines

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Publication date:

14 July 2024
18 September 2024
October 2024

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