Platelet Rich Plasma: Current Indications and Use In Orthopaedic Care

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Richard Judd Robins


“Platelet Rich Plasma” (PRP) is a ubiquitous term for a type of therapy that applies autologous platelets collected from whole blood and then concentrated via centrifuge that are re-applied to injured musculoskeletal tissue.  The intent of most PRP therapies is to locally create or support a “healing response,” that instigates earlier healing, or to initiate a response in chronic degenerative and painful tissue.  Complicating research efforts are the high number of different types and methods of PRP therapies, and the multiple anatomic and tissue sites of treatment that may potentially benefit from PRP.  One of the greatest challenges in the development of PRP therapy have been translating promising laboratory and animal study results to clinical studies’ outcomes. While enthusiasm for PRP therapy has often exceeded the evidence to support therapeutic benefits, recent studies and experience does support the use of specific types of PRP therapy in specific degenerative and injury patterns.

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How to Cite
ROBINS, Richard Judd. Platelet Rich Plasma: Current Indications and Use In Orthopaedic Care. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 6, june 2017. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025.
Platelet Rich Plasma; Tendinosis; Osteoarthritis; Injection Therapy
Review Articles


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