Training Situation among German Residents in Urology in Urodynamic Diagnostics of Bladder Dysfunction

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Laila Schneidewind Hendrik Borgmann Dirk Piehler




The training in diagnosis and therapy of bladder dysfunction is an integral part of the German residency programme in urology. Bladder dysfunctions are of increasing importance in our society due to the aging population. The objective of this study was to evaluate the training situation of German residents in urology on bladder dysfunction.

Material and Methods

A 24-item online survey was sent to members of the German Society of Residents in Urology via email. The survey contained questions on demographic data, on hospital setting and expertise and on the personal education level of the resident in diagnosis and therapy of bladder dysfunction.


The response rate was 9.7 %. The training situation among German residents in diagnosis and therapy of bladder dysfunction is heterogenic. Nearly all facilities, 92% of the hospitals, offer cystomanometry and uroflowmetry, as urodynamic testing. In small facilities cystomanonetry is performed only once a month. Only 14% of the residents are able to rotate in the sub department of urodynamic diagnostics and treatment of bladder dysfunction. 90. 5% of the residents are able to attend external education programmes of this topic.


The training situation for German residents in urology is very heterogenic at different hospitals. Only a small number of residents are able to rotate in the sub department of urodynamic diagnostics. The need for improvement of training in diagnosis and treatment of bladder dysfunction could be met by external education programmes.



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How to Cite
SCHNEIDEWIND, Laila; BORGMANN, Hendrik; PIEHLER, Dirk. Training Situation among German Residents in Urology in Urodynamic Diagnostics of Bladder Dysfunction. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], n. 3, may 2015. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 feb. 2025.
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