The impact of electronic media and school schedule on the sleep of adolescents – A mini review.

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Helen Lazaratou Angeliki Konsta Konstantina Magklara Dimitrios Dikeos


Background: During adolescence there are ongoing changes of sleep patterns, which tend to exhibit a phase delay. Among the various factors associated with this phenomenon, the use of electronic media and school starting time arise as highly significant, since they are modifiable.

Methods: Review of existing literature on adolescent sleep based on electronic literature searches using the best available evidence from PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar.

Results: Our study provides a review of findings on the impact of electronic media use and school starting time on a number of sleep characteristics in adolescence. Moreover, it highlights the significance of sleep problems and/or sleep deprivation on adolescent mental health and school performance. Finally, it reports data on the association between adolescents’ sleep characteristics and overweight, obesity and physical health markers.

Conclusions: Strategies focusing on modifiable factors associated with sleep deprivation in adolescence are expected to contribute to the management of a broader range of physical and mental health problems in this age group.

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How to Cite
LAZARATOU, Helen et al. The impact of electronic media and school schedule on the sleep of adolescents – A mini review.. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 5, n. Issue 9, sep. 2017. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 sep. 2024.
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