A qualitative and semi-quantitative combined theory of addiction

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Wolfgang Vogel


The proposed hypothesis posits that the major driving force of human decisions and actions are hedonistic such as pleasure seeking and discomfort avoiding located in the neuronal reward centers such as the nucleus accumbens. This drive is evaluated and controlled by “will power” or “self control” to avoid negative consequences with its neuronal basis in the prefrontal cortex. Both traits are secondarily influenced by memories of previous experiences as well as risk taking assessments originating mostly in the hippocampus and amygdala. In a healthy individual, these traits interact productively and to the well being of the individual. In addiction, however, these four traits are either overly active or overly inactive and their interactions become dysfunctional leading to addictive behavior. Here, it is posited that an overly active or poorly satisfied reward system is not fulfilled by natural stimuli but requires artificial stimuli like psychoactive drugs to achieve full satisfaction. This additional desire is secondarily poorly controlled by a weak or dysfunctional control system allowing the reward centers to become dominant and to force the individual to abuse drugs. Additionally, previous experiences and their memories and risk taking assessments do negatively affect the first two traits further strengthening the reward and weakening the control systems. It is further posited to assess the strength of each of the four traits as obtained from interviews, psychometric tests or physical measures. This could be done in that the strength or activity of each trait receives a number ranging from 0 to 10 like it is done in a pain scale. The sum of all four trait numbers will provide a semi-quantitative measure if an individual is or is not at risk of developing an addiction or about the major contributing factor or factors of an existing addiction. Assessment of the strength and activity of each of these four traits and their contributions to addictive behaviors will help the therapist to devise a more specific treatment plan to treat the main components leading to or maintaining an addiction or to prevent relapses after abstinence.

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VOGEL, Wolfgang. A qualitative and semi-quantitative combined theory of addiction. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 5, n. Issue 9, sep. 2017. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/1539>. Date accessed: 19 sep. 2024.
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