Results and Achievements in the Engineering of Pharmacological Enzymes for Clinical Application

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Alexander Maksimenko


Research into modified enzyme derivatives and their development have expanded considerably modern arsenal of biopharmaceuticals. The effectiveness of enzyme drugs in vivo and their prospectiveness in clinical practice were confirmed by biomedical studies. Several directions have formed in the biocatalyst research, such as antibody-drug interactions, construction of polyenzyme nanoensembles producing extra- and intracellular effects, and enzyme modification for targeted delivery to the damaged area. Modified enzyme derivatives have been became the effective agents against injurious action of oxidative stress in vivo. Research promotion is highly noticeable for covalent bienzyme superoxide dismutase-chondroitin sulfate-catalase conjugate. The obtained data contribute the investigation of salable conjugates produced by methods of chemical and biological synthesis. A broad research front and collective biomedical effort increase the probability of successful breakthroughs in the control over different types of damage to biological tissues.

Keywords: vascular injuries, oxidative stress, inflammation, enzymes, modification, targeted drug delivery, nanoconjugates

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MAKSIMENKO, Alexander. Results and Achievements in the Engineering of Pharmacological Enzymes for Clinical Application. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, jan. 2018. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi:
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