Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Lung Cancer: A Review and Update

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Durmuş Etiz Melek Akçay Çoşar Alaattin Özen Bülent Yıldız



The prevalence of lung cancer as of the elderly has been increasing parallel to the increase of age average in general population. In addition, widespread use of tomography has been elevating the prevalence of the early stage lung cancer. Surgical intervention cannot be performed in these cases due to co-morbidities.

The achievement performed by means of the administration of a classical dose of radiotherapy (RT), concerning the early stage, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), has still been insufficient. "Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy" (SBRT) delivered in the extracranial area increases the local control rate to 80%. The purpose of this method is to deliver high doses with minimal damage to normal tissues. The success of the technique depends on the achieved stabilization of the patient together with the fact that the tumor remains within the RT portal area during the treatment. Considering SBRT administration, the biological equivalent tumour dose should be ≥100 Gy. Since the treatment period is limited to a few days, it facilitates the practicability of this treatment and provides a number of radiobiological advantages.

The aim of the study is to answer questions such as "Which patients can be delivered SBRT? What are the success and toxicity rates of the treatment?"


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How to Cite
ETIZ, Durmuş et al. Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Lung Cancer: A Review and Update. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 3, mar. 2019. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 dec. 2024. doi:
Review Articles